Markham & Fitz Orange Creamsicle White Chocolate
This bar brings back childhood memories of summer, sandals clacking across the hot pavement, and ice cream truck serenades. Markham & Fitz make this white chocolate bar with goat milk, orange oil, and candied orange peel to bring back that classic childhood favorite, the orange creamsicle.
This bar brings back childhood memories of summer, sandals clacking across the hot pavement, and ice cream truck serenades. Markham & Fitz make this white chocolate bar with goat milk, orange oil, and candied orange peel to bring back that classic childhood favorite, the orange creamsicle.
This bar brings back childhood memories of summer, sandals clacking across the hot pavement, and ice cream truck serenades. Markham & Fitz make this white chocolate bar with goat milk, orange oil, and candied orange peel to bring back that classic childhood favorite, the orange creamsicle.