Winery of the Month Series: Botanica and Fram


Children of the revolutionChildren of the revolution

Children of the revolution

This month were super excited to get to introduce you all to two of South Africa’s best and brightest young winemakers in person!  On May 10th we’ll be having Boston’s own Ginny Povall, founder and winemaker at Botanica and Big Flower, and Thinus Kruger of Fram in the store and in the flesh to pour some of their best bottles for you.  

Ginny and Thinus represent the best of what this young generation of winemakers are doing in South Africa.  Like California, France, Australia, and Chile, a new breed of young winemakers are setting up shop and making wines that challenge our expectations when it comes to their region’s wines.  For a long time, South Africa was thought of as a second-rate wine producing country where quality was lacking and conventional agriculture and winemaking reigned. All of that is changing with people like Ginny and Thinus who are taking advantage of the numerous old vineyards and applying a hands-off approach to both farming and winemaking.  Their wines speak to the place and the grapes themselves. They demonstrate that South Africa has great terroir and that that terroir has a unique and special identity. You’ll find clarity and depth in the Chenin and Pinot Noir of Botanica and you’ll find complexity and definition in the Pinotage of Fram.

Old vines planted in the Citrusdal MountainsOld vines planted in the Citrusdal Mountains

Old vines planted in the Citrusdal Mountains

If you’re a regular at our store then you already know how excited we are about the South African wine scene since we can’t stop talking about it.  If you want to see why we’re so enthused then you’ve got to come by and have a chat with these two people. We’ll be pouring the wines from 5-7 on the 10th but we’ll also be featuring the wines all month long in our Winery of the Month series so we’re also offering them all up for 10% off for the month of May.  Thanks to our man and South African wine importer and advocate extraordinaire Pascal Schildt for the set up, we’re going to have a hell of a time!

Botanica Pinot Noir $29.99 $26.99

Botanica Chenin Blanc $29.99 $26.99

Botanica Flower Girl Pet Nat $34.99 $31.49

Big Flower Cabernet Sauvignon $21.99 $19.79

Big Flower Cabernet Franc $21.99 $19.79




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